Customer Reviews For The Honeywell Leightning L1N Earmuff, Gray - 1011994
1 customers recommend this product
Jeremy Sparks
May 11, 2018
Verified Purchase
Great Product
These are great for those times when double hearing protection is required and these muffs work with any hardhat.
Honeywell Leightning L1N Earmuffs offer reliable hearing protection for shooting at an entry-level price point. Patented Air Flow Control Technology manages the course of air inside the earcup while reducing noise across all frequencies. Ultra-lightweight by design, these Honeywell Earmuffs utilize a headband strap for better positioning. The inclusion of exterior foam padding combined with super-soft ear cushions provides unparalleled comfort. This eliminates the "squeezing" sensation that's commonly found in other earmuffs. Snap-in ear cushions also allow for easy cleaning and maintenance.
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