Customer Reviews For The Honeywell Cool Moisture Humidifier, HCM-890WTG

Overall Rating

1 Reviews
1 customers recommend this product
Melissa Albanes
November 5, 2016
Verified Purchase
Good for Med-Sized Babys Room

Does the job. We run the humidifier on low overnight and at nap time. The tank needs to be filled daily.

I hear the fan turning, but I don't see any mist. Is my humidifier operating properly?
Dry air is pulled through the Cool Moisture system and a fan disperses invisible, moisture balanced air. There is no "mist" emitted. When operating normally, you will feel only cool air coming from the unit. Monitor the water level in your tank/base. If you notice a decrease in the water tank over 24 hours then the unit is operating normally.
My unit has been running for several hours. I hear the fan spinning, but I do not notice the water level in the tank decreasing.
First, check the moisture pad to be sure it is wet. If the pad appears dry, remove it from the base and gently rinse under cool water. Reposition wet filter in the base. You may also want to check the current moisture level in your home. If the humidity level is over 60%, the unit will not put out much moisture as your air is already saturated.
The Honeywell Cool Moisture Humidifier is a premier solution for alleviating your surroundings from the many discomforts caused by dry air. This Cool Moisture Humidifier brought to you by Honeywell includes an automatic moisture balance system that's capable of naturally adjusting the unit's output for maximum comfort. The inclusion of a high and low moisture setting allows owners to further customize their experience. Additional features such as the utilization of evaporative humidification technology and the ability to run continuously for 12 hours make this an ideal addition for small to large sized rooms.

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