Customer Reviews For The Honeywell HE120A1010 Humidifier

Overall Rating

1 Reviews
1 customers recommend this product
lawrence Fatalski
March 23, 2017
Verified Purchase

nice unit, easy to install, just take your time and follow the instructions

The Honeywell Whole House Humidifier is an excellent solution for those looking to combat the negative aspects of having desert-like air in your home. A shocking study revealed that the average humidity inside of some homes can rival that of the Sahara Desert. Such negative effects can lead to dry skin, carpet shock, cracking woodwork and many more ailments and burdens. The ever reliable Honeywell Whole House Humidifier works exceptionally well with your home's furnace to maintain a proper and comfortable level of humidity throughout your home. This product is ideal for small to medium sized homes and comes packaged with an install kit.

*Please be certain to check for available space prior to installation. The HE120A1010's dimensions are as follows: HxWxD (in.) 10.94 x 9.125 x 12.75.

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