Customer Reviews For The Honeywell 18x20x1 High Efficiency Allergen MERV 11 Air Filter, 12 Pack

Overall Rating

3 Reviews
3 customers recommend this product
Nicholas L
March 21, 2025
Verified Purchase
High end filters.

These are good filters if you want to take many impurities out of the air. Just be careful and change them more frequently or else it will make your system work harder and can damage it.

tina b
July 25, 2022
Verified Purchase

Good price

Michael F
February 15, 2022
Verified Purchase
20X18x1 Filter

For some reason, this size filter is hard to come by in the stores. I didn't even know that they could be ordered manufacturer direct. I was extremely pleased with the ordering process, price, and delivery time. Needless to say, I will be ordering directly from Honeywell in the future!

Honeywell High Efficiency Allergen MERV 11 Air Filters (12 Pack)

Capturing a high percentage of airborne particles and allergens, this selection of Honeywell High Efficiency Allergen Air Filters features a MERV 11 Rating. High efficiency 1 in. air cleaning filters are electrostatically charged to capture and trap dust particles while remaining effective against a series of other contaminants. Showcasing durability and overall effectiveness, these air filters offer easy flow energy efficiency and a heavy duty frame. Honeywell High Efficiency Allergen Air Filters each last up to 3 months. Please be certain to measure the filters you are replacing or your filter boot to make sure it's an exact match.

This air filter is effective against the following contaminants:
  • Dust/Lint
  • Airborne Dust Mite Debris
  • Pollen
  • Pet Dander
  • Mold Spores
  • Bacteria
  • Microscopic Allergens
  • Virus Carriers
  • Most Smoke

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