Customer Reviews For The Honeywell RCW100N1000/N Door Chime

Overall Rating

3 Reviews
3 customers recommend this product
Raul Medina
August 14, 2017
Verified Purchase

Very happy with purchase. It was easy to install and it works great.

Teresa Sanders
August 26, 2016
Verified Purchase
I am enjoying the new door bell .

I LIKE HOW THE DOOR BELL IS MADE NICE and sturdy. Its matching color also helps.

Gerry Yorkshire
April 19, 2011
Verified Purchase

Generally the service was good. When the product shipped it went out piecemeal because there were not enough. Up front communication of shortage would be helpful, to remove the perception of error upon delivery.

The Honeywell RCW100N is a wonderful chime replacement for any and all existing wired door chimes. The purposefully constructed large square design easily covers most holes and wall markings made by previous door chimes. This product is conveniently powered by your transformer or batteries. In turn, this means you can use this wired door chime even if your transformer has failed. You'll never need to replace the transformer. Simply add batteries to the RCW100N and your door chime will continue working again. Honeywell has always sought to expand upon existing technology to give its costumers the absolute best experience!

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