Customer Reviews For The Honeywell Decor Wired Door Chime, RCW250N1003/N

Overall Rating

1 Reviews
1 customers recommend this product
Anita Marlin
December 11, 2016
Verified Purchase
Blends seamlessly with the walls

Nice soft curves on the door chime blend seamlessly with the walls in our hallway. Very pleased with the chime quality and selection.

Honeywell door chimes have long been regarded as a signature addition to any home. The Honeywell Decor Wired Door Chime with White Finish features an aesthetically charming pattern that showcases a sleek and simple design. This door chime by Honeywell carries the added bonus of working up to three doorbell push buttons. Featuring a near effortless installation process, the Honeywell RCW250N Wired Door Chime can be mounted either vertically or horizontally. The inclusion of CD-quality sound and adjustable volume bolster versatility tenfold, while the addition of six chime tunes opens a bevy of options for users to explore. Assuring absolute peace of mind, Honeywell has included a one year warranty that protects your product against defects in material and faulty workmanship.

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