Customer Reviews For The Honeywell RCWL210A1005/N P2-Portable Door Chime

Overall Rating

6 Reviews
6 customers recommend this product
Nancy Adams
February 19, 2017
Verified Purchase
Great product!

I bought this doorbell to replace an identical one that died due to battery leakage. I wanted the same type because it has one unique tone which enables me to know immediately which door is ringing. Popped new batteries into this one and I was back in business -- it works on the same pushbutton as its predecessor. Love it!

Susan Smyers
May 2, 2016
Verified Purchase
Very Satisfied

The doorbell was a breeze to set up. I live in a condo and it receives no interference with neighbors wireless doorbells.

James Lawless
December 31, 2015
Verified Purchase

Just what I ordered. Came on time. Worked fine

Brooke Gerrard
June 2, 2015
Verified Purchase


John Cartright
May 21, 2015
Verified Purchase
Problem Solved

The bell installed on our new house failed after a year. We purchased a Honeywell programmable thermostat previously and were extremely satisfied. After researching wireless door bells on several sites, Honeywell was rated highest. We purchased this model for the range and the ability to move it to the patio so as not to miss a ring. I can recommend this product without qualification.

S. Hsieh
November 11, 2013
Verified Purchase
Exactly as advertised

We bought this door chime to replace one not from Honeywell that broke. The broken wireless chime had three ring tones, all obnoxious, so I used it for the side door but never installed the second button. The new Honeywell chime was very easy to install, and I like all of the chime sounds.

The Honeywell RCWL210A Portable Wireless Door Chime and Push Button is a readily available and intuitive door chime that's incredibly easy to use. Straight from the package, the simple addition of batteries will you have one step closer to enjoying all of the wonderful features included with the RCWL210A. This door chime is completely portable and features a sleek and contemporary design that can be utilized in any number of rooms. This chime makes an excellent addition for the kitchen, media room, deck or anywhere else you have in mind. Equipped with 4 tunes and the added bonus of being able to adjust your selection's volume and operation modes from the base, the RCWL210A features CD quality sound and a 150' operating range. A flashing light indicator has been utilized to perfection and is ideal for those times when you do not wish to be disturbed by your door's chime. Additional incentives such as low battery displays and a self learning memory system make this a truly intuitive product. An additional 4 push buttons can be programmed to work with this chime and allow for multiple entrance notifications.

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