Customer Reviews For The Honeywell RCWL251A1005/N Wireless Door Chime

Overall Rating

1 Reviews
1 customers recommend this product
CharlesĀ Patire
July 10, 2015
Verified Purchase

Excellent door chime. Easy to mount & program. Very attractive wall chime. Choices of chime ring are excellent as well. Great value for the amount spent.

The Honeywell RCWL251A Decor Wireless Door Chime and Push Button can be hanged vertically or horizontally to fit your individual style or simply cover existing holes. The design of this door chime features clean curves and simple lines that make it an applicable addition to nearly any room. A host of features has been fully realized to make this door chime stand out amongst others. This premium door chime works with up to six push buttons and window/door contacts. Peace of mind is assured with the implementation of motion detectors. The RCWL251A also comes packaged with six selectable chime tunes that are fully adjustable and play out with CD quality sound. Low battery indicators have also been added and provide additional flexibility to an already versatile product. Reaching up to an astounding 450 ft operating range, the RCWL251A is the perfect combination of style and efficiency.

This wireless door chime works with up to six transmitters, allowing you to connect a single chime to push buttons, motion detectors, door contacts and door chimes located at different entrances. This makes it easy to implement a variety of security measures that will quickly alert you if an unwanted guest decides to pay your home a visit.

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