Customer Reviews For The Honeywell RPWL100A1009/A Push Button for Door Chime

Overall Rating

7 Reviews
7 customers recommend this product
wayne hackett
August 23, 2019
Verified Purchase
replacement door bell button

After several years, the button of my Honeywell wireless door bell began not working, intermittently. inside ringer still worked fine. replacement button, at a good price, worked right away. I am very pleased!

Debra McFall
December 26, 2016
Verified Purchase
We like it

We bought this with the Honeywell RCWL105A1003/N Plug-in Wireless Door Chime. It only came with one button, so we bought this as an extra and it works fine. This push button has a battery in it that will need to be replaced one day, but there is no wiring, which is a plus. It works well and I recommend it.

Stephen Stuczynski
December 9, 2015
Verified Purchase
Great product

Works exactly as advertised. Just what I was looking for

Brenda Pack
May 8, 2015
Verified Purchase
Works well for the price

Seems to be working well and a good price. Easy set up.

dinah jordan
October 18, 2012
Verified Purchase
alarm needs to be louder

alarm needs to be much louder

Healthcare Customer
August 14, 2012
Verified Purchase
Works Well

Installed easily. Make sure to snap the housing back on tight. Requires careful alignment of the two pieces, but unit works well as described.

Amy Mancuso
August 7, 2012
Verified Purchase

Great product.

The Honeywell RPWL100A is a white wireless push button that has a limited compatibility range. This unit works with RCWL100A, RCWL105A and RCWL110A door chimes and carries the additional bonus of acting as a door alert when added to any of these models. This push button has an extended use of applications. Whether you're searching for a push button to install at a rear door in your home or an additional button within your garage, you'll have no shortage of options to explore when properly utilizing this item. This push button includes a surface mount and an additional 16 codes to prevent interference from other users. The RPWL100A is coated in UV-resistant plastic that is guaranteed to bolster durability and extend lifespan.

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