Customer Reviews For The Honeywell North Gen PRO Coverall, White, 3X-Large

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3 Reviews
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North Gen PRO 35596 Protective Coveralls are constructed out of a unique combination of non woven fabrics that provide CE Type 5 and 6 Protection. Disposable coveralls implement breathable fabric that ensures a comfortable fit over clothing. Honeywell North Gen PRO Coveralls are an ideal fit for a large number of applications and are preferred for their practical and comfortable attributes. Honeywell Protective Clothing is available in a generous cut that includes a series of safety enhancing additions. A resealable flap with 2 way zip provides a convenient means of securing your protective coveralls. This selection of Honeywell Protective Clothing features a hood, enclosed neck and elastic ankle/waist combination to prevent inward contamination. The use of silicone free components prevents product contamination.

Honeywell North Gen PRO Coveralls meet the following standards

  • CE Type 5 for Dry Particulate Protection
  • CE Type 6 for Liquid Splash Protection
  • Prevention of Inward Contamination
  • Prevention of Product Contamination

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