Customer Reviews For The Honeywell CT62B1015/U Manual 4 Wire Thermostat
This replacement was the only model that would work correctly...fairly easy install.
Not wanting to go digital despite the tighter temp trip range, over some time I've replaced all 9 40+ year old thermostats with this model, which is almost perfect. Clean simple lines ambient temp meter, and a nicely paintable box for when it's placed on dark walls. The one ding is that previous units used a neutral gray base color which blended nicely around the house the 4 units I just purchased use a black base which stands out. So now on light or white walls, which didn't require painting the cover, now require painting the edges of the base.
This was a replacement for the same model which had stopped working properly after years of service. Easy to install, inexpensive, works well.
Very easy to install and accurate settings.
Worked perfect right out of the box/holds temp in a very tight range.
Easy to install
excellent thermostat very accurate
One of the thermostats was deemed defective by my HVAC person. The others I ordered were perfect. EAccess charged me a restocking fee for the returned defective thermostat. They contend procedure for returning a damaged part was not followed. Even after various emails they wouldnt budge on not charging a restocking fee.
hard to adjust temperature setting adjustment
hard to adjust temperature setting adjustment
the thermostat was easy to install. I would recommend it to my friends
For an incredibly easy and straightforward approach to temperature control, there's no substitute for the Honeywell CT62B1015/U Manual 4 Wire Premium Thermostat. This manual thermostat eliminates the hassle of selecting heating and cooling patterns in advance. This allows you to simply adjust your thermostat manually. It's a simple, yet incredibly effective approach that has made this non-programmable thermostat one of the industry standards for over 50 years. A compact design and effortless installation make this an even more appealing option to pursue. This manual thermostat is best used for 120V/240V/277V Baseboard or Fan Electric Heaters. The Honeywell CT62B1015/U Manual Thermostat also utilizes dual diaphragm sensing that's superb for temperature control.