Customer Reviews For The Honeywell Thermostatic Mixing Valve

Overall Rating

4 Reviews
4 customers recommend this product
Roger Krichten
January 4, 2019
Verified Purchase
mixing valve

good price and was delivered very timely.

Donna Larsen
October 16, 2013
Verified Purchase

these are exactly what we need and we got them in a timely fashion

John Neville
January 21, 2013
Verified Purchase
It works

It works - but its stiff to turn and has no real calibration.

Donald Wortman
November 30, 2011
works well

Must have with little ones in the house. works great. nice website

A Honeywell thermostatic mixing valve provides increased protection and comfort for your family.


Mixing valves help prevent bacteria growth. When a water heater's temperature is set too low, deadly Legionella bacteria can grow. This mixing valve allows you to set your water heater at a high enough temperature to kill bacteria while eliminating concerns about water being too hot at the tap.


Burns can occur quickly, but this mixing valve helps prevent scalding. In fact, Honeywell mixing valves meet the most stringent safety standards in the industry when used as directed.


Enjoy more available hot water. The mixing action of this valve can give you up to a 60-gallon performance from a 40-gallon tank - it's like adding a larger water heater without taking up the space.

How Mixing Valves Work

Cold water is mixed with hot water to provide safety and comfort at the faucet. A Honeywell mixing valve allows you to set your water heater to a higher temperature to reduce the threat of bacteria growth, yet the mixing action helps prevent scalding. Plus, you'll increase your available hot water supply by mixing hot water with cold. Get the peace of mind that comes from improved safety, health and comfort with a Honeywell Thermostatic Mixing Valve.

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